Changing Your Name

Name Changes & giving yourself an alternate or phonetic name in Moodle

Last Updated: July 27th, 2024

For legal name changes, submit name change information to Enrollment Services:

Print out and complete the Name Change pdf. You will submit the pdf to enrollment services via digital dropbox along with the required documentation.

Be sure to double-check the information is correct and complete before you submit it, save the form as completed or you can print out the pdf, and take a photo of it. Then submit the pdf to enrollment services via digital dropbox along with the required documentation.

Enrollment Services staff will process the name change.

Your new legal name will be automatically applied to Moodle as long as you are enrolled in classes.

Give yourself an Alternate or phonetic name in Moodle.

  1. Log into Moodle
  2. Click on Profile on the top left
  3. Click on edit profile on the bottom left underneath User Details
  4. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and click Additional Names
  5. Here you can input phonetic names and an alternate name. Be sure to click Update Profile.

Student Help Desk Support (SHeD)

The student help desk is located on main campus in the Library (center building).

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