Grading Essay Quiz Questions

Resolution for issues with grading essay type quiz questions in Moodle

Last Updated: July 24th, 2023

Manually grading Essay Questions

  1. In your course, scroll down to the quiz you want to grade by clicking into it
  2. Once you’re in the quiz, click on Results and find the Grade drop down menu on  the left.


 Quiz shown with results and grades drop down menu highlighted

  1. Click Manual Grading  from the drop down menu.
  2. In this new page, you will see a list of all the essay questions that have been answered, how many that need to be graded, how many are already graded, and the total essay questions combined from those two categories.Image of Test quiz showing essay questions that need grading.
  3. On any of the essay questions you have, click on the blue Grade under the To Grade category.
    Image of essay questions that need grading with a red arrow pointing to the blue Grade under the To Grade category.
  4. You will be brought to a new screen, showing one student’s answers at a time for each question. Through the settings at the top of the page, you can choose how you want to organize the answers: by student’s name (first or last name,) L#’s, date at which they were answered, or randomly.
  5. Grade the question in the yellow box, and click Save Changes before moving onto the next respondent.
    Image of student's answer with the yellow grade box shown.  The save and go to next page are displayed at the bottom of the page.

Moodle Bug

If you experience an issue where you hit "save and go to the next page" but the comments and grades are not saved, it's because the Total of marks do not match the Maximum grade. If they are not the same, you can either change the Maximum grade, or you can change the amount of points each question is worth by clicking on the pencil icon.Image of Editing quiz with the maximum grade option highlighted on the top right.

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