Attendance Module in Moodle

How to Set Up and Use the Attendance Module in Moodle

Last Updated: July 24th, 2023

The attendance activity module enables teachers to keep records of class attendance and allows students to view their own attendance record. It can be used all term through the settings of multiple sessions.

How to Create the Module

  1. In the top right-hand corner, click on the toggle to turn Editing mode on.
  2. Click on the Add an activity drop-down menu and then choose Attendance in the section that you want it to be added to.
    This can be put in the General Section as it’s used all term
  3. The default name will be Attendance, but you may change it. Choose how you want it graded and input the maximum grade, if desired.
    Settings options for the attendance module setup.
  4. Click Save and display.
  5. You will see that there are 6 tabs at the top: Sessions, Add, Report, Export, Settings, Temporary users. This allows you and your students to see the class sessions that they have attended throughout the term.

    the 6 tabs at the top on the attendance module page.

Adding Sessions

  1. Click on the Add Session on the tab.
    Add session tab at the top of the attendance module page.
  2. Add the first session of the attendance, with the date and time. Note: The time frame used is set to 24 Hours, instead of the standard 12 Hour session.
    Add session page in the attendance module.
  3. If you want multiple sessions, i.e. for the whole term, open up the Multiple Sessions tab, and then check the Repeat the session above as follows box, and then check off which days this attendance will be used for and till what day of the term.
    Multiple Sessions section when creating your first attendance session.
  4. Select Add at the bottom of the screen.
  5. You’ll be redirected to a new screen where it will show you all the attendance sessions for that specific course.

Taking the Attendance

The standard options for taking attendance with the module is set up at P: Present, L: Late, E: Excused, A: Absent. If you want to change these variables, you can go to the Status Set on the menu tab and then change the point values and the variables. Remember to click Update on the bottom of the screen and your variables will be saved.
Status set tab at the top of the attendance module page.Status set page prompting for acronym, description, points, when it is available for students, and automatically set when not marked

  1. Go back to the Sessions tab and select the current day for the attendance and then click the little arrow button on the right-hand side.Take attendance button under the actions column across from the desired day.
  2. Mark the students off on the screen by clicking the buttons under each variable.
    Radio buttons for attendance tracking default options: Present, Late, Excused, Absent.
  3. Click on Save Attendance at the bottom of the screen.

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