Unable to Log into ExpressLane

What to do in case you are unable to log into ExpressLane

Last Updated: July 27th, 2024

To access ExpressLane, you can enter the website https://express.lanecc.edu or https://crater.lanecc.edu

If you can access ExpressLane, be aware that:

  • The following issues may be preventing you from logging in:
    • Password is too long: ExpressLane passwords must be between 12-16 characters
    • You have multiple L numbers
    • If you have a password that is 12-16 characters long and have confirmed that your email information is correct, but still cannot log into ExpressLane, please contact Enrollment Services at (541) 463-3100
  • Changes in ExpressLane can take up to 30 minutes to synchronize with ExpressLane. If after 30 minutes you are still unable to log into ExpressLane, please contact Enrollment Services at (541) 463-3100
  • If you cannot access ExpressLane, then you are probably not entering the correct password. You can reset it by following the instructions located here.

ExpressLane Password Requirements 

  • be between 12-16 characters 
  • include at least one number 
  • include at least one letter
  • Are case-sensitive (can include capital and lowercase letters)

Student Help Desk Support (SHeD)

The student help desk is located on main campus in the Library (center building).

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