Unable to Access Google Workspace

Quick list of things to try if you're not able to get into your Google Workspace account

Last Updated: July 27th, 2024

Student Help Desk Support (SHeD)

The student help desk is located on main campus in the Library (center building).

Troubleshooting Steps If Unable to log into Google Workspace

Check username and domain

Go into ExpressLane - Personal Information - Update E-mail Addresses

Compare the user name and domain name in ExpressLane with what you have been entering for gmail.

Check the browser

Clear the browsing history and cookies.

If this does not work, try another browser.

Check the password

Passwords must be between 12-16 characters

Passwords must contain alphabetic and numeric characters - requires at least one of each.

Note for new students: Students are unable to access G Suite until they have registered for classes and all holds have been lifted.

Possible solutions

Change ExpressLane Password

Change your password in ExpressLane. A password could take up to 24 hours to sync with Google Workspace.

You may change your password to the same one as before so long as it meets password requirements outlined above.

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