User or Group Overrides on a Quiz

Configuring User overrides to allow a student more time, additional attempts, or extend the due date.

Last Updated: July 24th, 2023

Quiz Attempts Basics

When a student opens a quiz attempt, the following happens:

  1. The logs immediately record an attempt with the date and time.
  2. Answers are saved every 5 minutes.
  3. Answers are saved every time the student proceeds to the next page.
  4. Unsaved answers are saved if the attempt times out.

Giving Whole Class More Attempts

How to increase the number of attempts for all students:

  1. Toggle Edit mode on.
  2. Find the quiz you wish to alter in your Moodle course and select Settings.
  3. Scroll down and find the section labeled Grade.
  4. Change the number of Attempts allowed as you see fit.
  5. Save changes.

Giving Small Groups or Single Students Extra time or Attempts on a Quiz

Adding a user override is an excellent feature that allows you to grant extensions, increase time, and set up multiple attempts for specific students on exams/quizzes.

To give a specific student an override:

1. Select the quiz that the student(s) need more time on.Quiz chosen with More drop down menu and Overrides highlighted.2. Click on More. Then select Overrides.

Quiz showing Overrides options which includes add user override.On the next screen, you'll be given several options:

  • Override user: Search and select the student.
  • Require password: Set up a password. (optional)
  • Open/Close the quiz: To extend the due date of the quiz, change the close date of the quiz. You may also change the open date of the quiz, if necessary. (i.e. a student wishes to take an exam a week early)
  • Time limit: If you want the time extended, set the desired time.
  • Allowed attempts: If you want to give the student another attempt, then enter the appropriate amount. (i.e. a student is redoing an exam but the exam only allows one attempt)

The image shows the override section containing the options shown above.

ATC Support & Hours of Operation

Weekday Support, Monday - Friday

The ATC is open to in-person assistance. Support is available through the above remote options and on campus at CEN 208

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