Common Problems With College Passwords

What to check if your ExpressLane "username/password pair not found"

Last Updated: July 27th, 2024

ExpressLane passwords usually fail for the following reasons:

1. Too many or too few characters (It has to be 12-16 characters inclusive)

2. Password does not have at least one number or one alphabetic character

3. The password was entered incorrectly

4. Caps Lock was on while creating the password 

To fix the password for reasons 1-3:

Open a word processing program and type ExpressLane password.

check if:

You entered the correct password 

You have no less than 12 or more than 16 characters (count all characters!)

You have at least one alphabetic and one numeric character.

To help with reason 4, enter the password with the caps lock on.

If the above quick solutions don't work for the account, check the Can't Log Into ExpressLane article or contact the Student Help Desk.

Student Help Desk Support (SHeD)

The student help desk is located on main campus in the Library (center building).

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