Creating Offline Assignments

Build an Offline Assignment to have the description of the activity the students submit, in class.

Last Updated: July 24th, 2023

What can you do with offline assignments?

You can create an offline assignment for anything that requires no online submission of text or media. An offline assignment allows you to be able to describe what the assignment is to your students and have the item in your Moodle grade-book while they submit the activity in person or by some other channel. The assignment also works as a place-holder for the grade-book.

Creating Offline Assignments

  1. Go to the administration block (the gear icon) in the top right hand corner, and select Turn Editing On. If it’s already on, continue onto the next step.
  2. Scroll down to the Week you want the assignment to be located in. Select Add an Activity or Resource
    Image of Moodle course with editing turned on and Add an activity or resource highlighted under selected week.
  3. This will bring up the Activity & Resources menu. Select Assignment, the very first one, and then click on Add at the bottom of the menu.
    Image of Add an Activity or Resource options with Assignment highlighted.  There is a red arrow pointing to Add after choosing Assignment.
  4. You are now in the editing section of the assignment. Name it, give the assignment a description if needed (click on Display Description on Course page if you go this route), and edit the Due Date (make sure you click on Enable next to the Due date so that it pops up in the calendar.)Image of Availability drop down section with the due date option enabled.
  5. Make sure you have the Submission Settings to how you want them. If you want students to only be able to hand in the assignment in person, DO NOT click on either/or Online Submissions & File Types.Image of Submission types drop down option with online text and file submissions highlighted.  Both options do not have check marks.
  6. Go to Grades and double-check that the settings match what you want. You can also choose where the assignment can be placed in your gradebook categories.Image of the Grade drop down section.
  7. Once you have all the settings set up to your preference, scroll to the bottom of the screen and choose either of the Save buttons.


If you want to give your students a chance to turn it in online because of a specific reason, like they are sick and cannot come in to class. That would require a possible email submission (with the assignment attached to that email,) or another way of submitting it online. Contact the ATC for suggestions and help.

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Weekday Support, Monday - Friday

The ATC is open to in-person assistance. Support is available through the above remote options and on campus at CEN 208

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