Opening PowerPoint in Google Drive

Open PowerPoint presentations in Google Drive if you are unable to open them on your computer

Last Updated: July 27th, 2024

Sometimes you may need to view an assignment but you can’t get it to open after downloading it to your desktop, "Google Workspace" may be able to help with opening Microsoft documents.

  1. Navigate to your student Gmail account (, then open your "Google Workspace" drop-down and open Drive which is located in the top right corner of the web page.screenshot of google apps with drive highlighted
  2. Drag your assignment from your desktop to your drive folder.
    screenshot of file being dragged into google drive window
  3. Once the upload is complete you can open your PowerPoint and other assignments.
    screenshot of upload complete screen highlighted
  4. Everything should look the same as it would in regular Microsoft Office programs on your desktop.screenshot of power point slides opened in google drive

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