Student Response iClickers

How to setup and use iClickers in your classroom

Last Updated: August 9th, 2024

This page is dedicated to the quick setup of the iClicker system. Additional reference manuals may be found for the iClicker below:

The Setup

No software installation required

You do not have to install or download the iClicker software. You can run it directly from the thumb drive included. You can also download, and unzip the files from the iClicker website.

iClicker course and Registration

There are several ways to register remotes to students depending on your class size and complexity.

In-Class/Roll Call Registration

This registration process is the easiest and fastest to use and will fit most circumstances (usually less than 50 students). With this process, students will see their names, emails, or student IDs displayed from a list. The students will then select a button on their clicker that corresponds to their name.

If confidentiality is an issue, the displayed content can be customized to show student ID only.

  1. Start iClicker and setup your course.
    1. Click New to create a new course and follow the prompts, or select an existing course and click Choose. If you choose an existing course, make sure the My Settings are correct and skip to Step
    2. Click My Settings
    3. On the General Tab enter the eight-character code on the back of the blue instructor remote.
    4. Go to the CMS/Registration Tab and select Moodle. The Display check boxes show information about each student. Change these to protect confidentiality as needed
    5. Review any other settings and click Set for Course.
  2. Download a roster of all students from your Moodlecourse.
    1. Go to your Moodle Course and click Grades to access the gradebook. 
    2. Click the drop-down menu ↓ from the top, scroll down to find Export, and select Plain text file.
    3. Find the choice for Separator and choose Tab.
    4. Uncheck all items under Grade items to be included. The rest of the settings can be left as is. Click Submit.
    5. Click Download. Save this file to your desktop.
    6. Once the file is saved, rename it to MoodleRoster.txt. Open the flash drive that came with the iClickers and open either iClicker Mac or iClicker Win, depending on your computer.
    7. Open the Classes folder and open the folder with the name of your course.
    8. Move the MoodleRoster.txt file here.
  3. Register clickers
    1. Open your course in iClicker and Start Session
    2. Click the options button and select Roll Call Registration
    3. The Student roster will appear on the screen. When names are in the top blue area (Register Now), instruct students to press the letter that corresponds to their name. Once they’ve entered the first letter, a new letter appears in the second column. They must also enter that letter to confirm the registration.

You can set additional Roll Call display options in the Settings/Preferences.

  • In-Class Individual Registration
    • You can loan clickers and register them manually as well, usually fewer versus more students.
      • Start an iClicker session for your class and click Loan Clickers.
      • Follow prompts.
  • Online/Web Registration
    • This requires more setup and is generally useful for complex classes, usually more than 50 students.
  • Students have to submit First and Last names, L#, clicker ID on the iClicker registration page. Then instructor has to use the synchronization button in iGrader.

ATC Support & Hours of Operation

Weekday Support, Monday - Friday

The ATC is open to in-person assistance. Support is available through the above remote options and on campus at CEN 208

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